The Art of Me

Well Being

She was that girl.  She said yes before being asked to help, stayed up late completing projects for friends, church, or the latest group she’d joined.  They all had deep meaning to her.  They all were worthy of her help.  She joyfully volunteered for every school event, often taking the leadership role because no one else would.  She tended her gardens, she cooked all food from scratch, and made sure that she  genuinely communicated with all of her friends and family.  She was that girl.  She ended up overextended, overweight, and overburdened –  putting others first.  Never putting herself first.

Why is it so difficult to put ourselves first?  Guilt, shame, I’m not good enough, this will look great on social media, and  I’m trying to prove something are all honest reasons.  I don’t have the ability to say no to others nor do I  have the confidence to say YES to me.  Hmmm…. I can think about what motivates me to leave myself out of the care equation.  I can  choose to change my life.  I can discover the Art of Me.

Our well being requires us to pay attention to our response from our activities, whether we love what we are doing or think it’s a bother.  We can focus on creating a life of overall health once we are paying attention.  The Art of Me for mental health is that I can be more clear and focused.  The Art of Me for physical health is that I am stronger and in good shape.  The Art of Me for spiritual health is that I am grounded and have a sense of well being and connection.

The Art of Me can begin with just 5-10 minutes a day!  In 10 minutes, we can do 2 minutes of deep breathing, 5 minutes of exercise, and 3 minutes of affirmations, reading, or meditation.  The Art of Me begins when we say YES to ourselves.  Over time, 10 minutes becomes 15 minutes, then 20 and so on.  We begin to understand just how precious a few minutes every day, devoted to ourselves,  enhances our life.   By breathing, affirmations, exercise, reading, prayer, and mediation we begin to realize what is personally needed to live your best life.  The Art of Me allows you to curtail some of the crazy meetings, phone calls, and projects that you’ve responded with a yes.  Say yes to yourself, to what gives you a sense of well being.

The Art of Me begins with me.  Start small, be consistent every day, end up feeling fabulous.


PS. In just 10 minutes a day — I promise, you will notice the difference!


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